To install **SS7 (SigPloit)**, follow these steps. SigPloit is a tool used for exploiting SS7 vulnerabilities, primarily for educational purposes and security research. Be aware that using these tools without proper authorization can be illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have permission before testing or exploiting any systems.


1. **Operating System**: You need a Linux-based OS, such as Ubuntu.

2. **Dependencies**: Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed.

**Installation Steps:**

1. **Update Your System**:

   Open a terminal and update your package list:


   sudo apt-get update


2. **Install Required Dependencies**:

   SigPloit requires several dependencies, including Python and libraries. Install them using:


   sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip git


3. **Clone the SigPloit Repository**:

   Download SigPloit from GitHub:


   git clone


4. **Navigate to the SigPloit Directory**:

   Change to the directory where SigPloit was cloned:


   cd sigploit


5. **Install Python Dependencies**:

   SigPloit requires some Python libraries. Install them using pip:


   pip3 install -r requirements.txt


6. **Configure and Run SigPloit**:

   Follow the instructions provided in the repository’s documentation to configure and run SigPloit. This typically involves editing configuration files or scripts to specify the parameters for your tests.

**Additional Notes**:

- **Ethical Use**: Ensure you are using SigPloit for legitimate purposes, such as security research within legal boundaries.

- **Documentation**: Refer to the [SigPloit GitHub page]( for the latest installation instructions, updates, and usage guidelines.

Always be cautious and respectful of laws and ethical guidelines when using security tools..

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use **SigPloit** for SS7 testing. This guide assumes that you have installed SigPloit as described in the previous steps.


**1. Preparation**

- **Ensure Legal Authorization**: Verify that you have explicit permission to test the SS7 network and systems.

- **Network Setup**: SigPloit interacts with telecommunications networks. Ensure you have access to the required network infrastructure.

**2. Configuration**

1. **Navigate to the SigPloit Directory**:


   cd sigploit


2. **Edit Configuration Files**:

   SigPloit uses configuration files to set up parameters for SS7 testing. Open the configuration file (usually `config.json` or similar) in a text editor:


   nano config.json


   Configure the following settings according to your testing environment:

   - **Network Details**: Set up the SS7 network parameters.

   - **Target Information**: Specify the target phone numbers or network elements you wish to test.

**3. Running SigPloit**

1. **Start SigPloit**:

   Run the SigPloit script to start the testing:




   or depending on the script setup:




2. **Select Tests to Run**:

   SigPloit offers various modules for different SS7 attacks. You might need to choose or configure specific modules based on what you want to test. Common tests include:

   - **SMS Interception**: Capturing SMS messages.

   - **Location Tracking**: Querying the location of a target.

   - **Call Interception**: Listening to or redirecting phone calls.

   Example command to run a specific test module:


   python3 --module <module_name> --target <target_info>


   Replace `<module_name>` with the desired test module and `<target_info>` with the relevant target information.

**4. Analyzing Results**

- **View Logs**: SigPloit will generate logs and results based on the executed tests. Check the logs for detailed information on the outcomes.

- **Interpreting Data**: Review the captured data to understand any vulnerabilities or issues discovered. 

**5. Post-Testing Actions**

- **Report Findings**: Document your findings in a report if you're performing a security assessment. Include details on vulnerabilities and recommendations for mitigation.

- **Follow Ethical Guidelines**: Ensure any testing results are handled responsibly, and inform relevant parties of any discovered vulnerabilities.

**6. Additional Resources**

- **SigPloit Documentation**: Consult the [SigPloit GitHub page]( for detailed instructions and updates.

- **Community Support**: Engage with forums or communities specializing in telecommunications security for additional support.

**Safety Note**: Using tools like SigPloit for unauthorized testing is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have proper authorization and follow ethical guidelines when performing security assessments.

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